Free Ideas

My brain has a really neat feature. Each time I learn something new, I’m reminded of everything I know that’s similar to the concept I’m learning. Quite often, the fusion of these ideas will result in an interesting project idea. However, I’m a very busy person, so there’s no time to do all of the projects that I think of. The following lists are ideas that I want to see built, but don’t have time to build.

Machine Learning:

  • Flavor Space (10 hour): Word embeddings, but for the cooking ingredients in recipes. For creating new recipes quickly. An example application would generate substitute ingredients on the fly or recommend a good ingredient pairing on the fly.
  • Semantics Highlighting (10 hour): Syntax highlighting, but for natural language using word embeddings mapped to a colorspace. It might make reading easier.


  • Simple Buddy Search (1 hour): People fill out a form with lots of checkboxes detailing their interests. A set of most similar other people is returned via a nearest neighbor vector search (dot product). For finding friends quickly.


  • Tortoise Rover (100 hour): A solar power robot tortoise that scoots around and live streams its journey. Why? It’s just cool, OK? Also, the tortoise shape seems well adapted to roving with the robotics industry’s current level of technology.